The Busy Mom’s Guide to Novel Marketing
$9.99eBook: $2.99
Authors: ,
Series: The Busy Mom's Guides, Book 3
Genre: How-To
Tag: Books by Jamie Foley
Publisher: Fayette Press
Publication Year: June 25, 2018
ISBN: 9780998207841

Marketing your fiction novels can make you feel like a small fish in an ocean. How can you get your book to stand out from the crowd—and actually make money?

About the Book

Marketing your fiction novels can make you feel like a small fish in an ocean. How can you get your book to stand out from the crowd—and actually make money?

This guide is packed full of advice from career novelists Angela Castillo and Jamie Foley, including:

  • Which paid promotions and ads actually work (and how to do them)
  • How to build your email newsletter list and social media platforms
  • Tips for book signings, booths, and events (and digital events, too)
  • How to get your novels into bookstores & libraries
  • Giveaway strategies that will sell novels faster than granny’s hotcakes
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