Steampunk Fairy Tales: Volume III

Steampunk Fairy Tales: Volume III

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Nine captivating short stories combine the futuristic Victorian concept of steam and fashion with classic fairy tales.

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The Busy Mom’s Guide to Writing

The Busy Mom’s Guide to Writing

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Are you a busy mom who loves to write, but doesn't know where to start? This easy-to-read guide by two bestselling, award-winning authors will help you make your writing dreams a reality.

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The Busy Mom’s Guide to Indie Publishing

The Busy Mom’s Guide to Indie Publishing

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Self-publishing can be extremely rewarding, but it can also be confusing and frustrating. How does one produce a professional book that will sell for profit without breaking the bank?

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The Busy Mom’s Guide to Novel Marketing

The Busy Mom’s Guide to Novel Marketing

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Marketing your fiction novels can make you feel like a small fish in an ocean. How can you get your book to stand out from the crowd—and actually make money?

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The Busy Mom’s Guide to Writing Box Set

The Busy Mom’s Guide to Writing Box Set

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This box set contains the ultimate collection for busy moms wanting to begin a career in writing.

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